The greatest results are obtained when our unique strategies are applied in the conceptual phase through to project completion therefore making ICD the right choice. As our name suggest we are an innovative, modern, forward thinking group leading the world in the way it manages its future.

The ICD business model will always be world class due its willingness to look, listen and change. We are continually searching for the latest in construction management techniques and technological advancements in all facets of community development. If you think your company provides new applicable technology contact us. We are continually searching for the best products and companies to take to the next project    

Community Minded Mission

Governments concerned with a growing lower class need solutions. The world needs to come together and provide a better quality of life for those in need. We create the vehicle and environment for humanitarian minded people to come together and get it done. Be part of the solution.


By installing processes that can monitor and evaluate the consumption of energy, natural resources and carbon emissions communities can learn to change there behaviors and contribute to moving toward a harmonious existence with there surrounding.



Water and Waste

Water consumption; By educating people we can minimize how much water is even need for a dwelling. Installing low flow units and restrictive measures by material supplier can help with conserving this valuable resource. Waste water solutions can take this community liability and make it a source of energy that can be returned back into the community energy grid.


Minimizing Energy Consumption

ICD’s energy goal is to first design and build structures that need less energy. This gives us the edge we need to obtain sustainable/affordable utility cost. Installing renewable energy systems will enable the community to be independent and not susceptible to energy increases for many years. Typically renewable energy projects are another revenue center for the developer. We will eliminate this profit center intending to practically eliminated energy bills. The components of these structures will be designed to withstand above average weather conditions.

Educating the Local Work Force

Our plans and strategies will engage the local labor force with a learn as you go program. Locals wanting to learn a trade can be involved in building there own community buildings, houses, roads and infrastructure. This educational minded approach can create new opportunities for individuals that weren’t there before. This will have a short and long term benefit for individuals, families and the community. With there new skills this group can be apart of the future growth while being task with the upkeep and maintenance of the facilities they just help create. Teaching locals to produce twice as much in the same time as the foreign labor we can justify paying twice the wage. This is a very important part generously overlooked.